Queen Triggerfish replica



Known as the "Queen of the Reef", this is one of nature's most beautifully colored creatures. Found on shallow reefs it is rarely caught. The Triggerfish has a dorsal spine they can "trigger" into a locked position making it impossible to remove from a crevice.

The Pacific Sailfish meat is fairly hard and not widely eaten, but they are prized as game fish. When hooked, these commanding, aerodynamic creatures will fight vigorously, leaping and diving repeatedly, and sometimes taking hours to land.


African Pompano

Amberjack Fish Mount

Atlantic Sailfish mount

Barracuda Fishmount

Black Marlin Fish Mount

Black Tip Shark Mount

Blackfin Tuna Fish Mount

Blue Marlin Fish Mount

Bluefin Tuna Fish Mount

Bonito Fish Mount

Bull Dolphin Fish Mount

Bull Shark Mount

Hammer Head Shark Mount

Largemouth Bass Fish Mount

Lemon Shark Mount

Mako Shark Mount

Pacific Sailfish Mount

Queen Trigger Fish Mount

Red Snapper Fish Mount

Roosterfish Mount

Sierra Mackerel Fish Mount

Cero Mackerel Fish Mount

Spanish Mackerel Fish Mount

King Fish Fish Mount

Striped Marlin Fish Mount

Swordfish Mount

Tarpon Fish Mount

Wahoo Fish Mount

Skipjack Tuna Fish Mount

Spearfish Mount

White Marlin Fish Mount

Yellowfin Tuna Fish Mount

Yellowtail Snapper Fish Mount

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